The invisible, hidden, potential, not yet, dormant
Suspension between past and future
In/activity in the present
Veiled process
Works within
Only seemingly inactive
Prospective outcomes un/expected
Projected, anticipated, awaited, feared, embraced
In its latent stage cancer kills silently from within
Works invisibly beneath the surface
Known only to the cells
It accomplishes
Slowly revealing
With damages achieved
Long before detection and diagnosis
Its processual latency the key to fatal outcomes
Latent in lump of stone an unrevealed sculpture
Hidden concealed in uneven surface
Shapes to be laid bare
In co-operative
Stone & sculptor
Revealing and shaping
Towards the discerned subject/object
Taking the process to result beyond recognition
Climate change, problems developing unnoticed
Below the surface, being stored up
Until problems are erupting
Without warning
And un/predictably
Causality no longer workable
Systemic interdependent processes
Emerging from latency somewhere, sometime
Barbara Adam, 111019