
Social Rupture Lived

Social Rupture Lived
when Covid 19 ruptured our lives, it changed everything
daily routines, rhythms, tempi, timings, sequences
even change itself has been severely altered
past, present and future are reassessed
the future becomes less certain, the past more precious,
the life-altering pandemic leaves nothing untouched
daily life is up-ended, modes of being are changed
blurred are the contours of what is to come
routines had to be altered & new rhythms established
with old patterns of doing things no longer working
the taken-for-granted is in need of revaluation
everything is up for unsettling questioning
the disturbance enfolds both threats and opportunities
it comprises the promise of new paths opening up
is experienced as devastating change or loss
is pregnant with foreboding & potential
connections & previously invisible interdependencies
become apparent; whether embraced or denied
they enable new relations of care & concern
altering the social beyond recognition
restrictions of accustomed word-wide travel for leisure
may be resented, accepted, possibly even embraced
for the good of society and the environment
while the deadly threat engenders dread
guarded boundaries of conventions, traditions & habits
are breached; once porous they become moveable
new modes of being become conceivable for
impossibilities to transition into realities
© Barbara Adam, 181120
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